Programming in R


Notes to demonstrators

Our role here is to empower the students so they:

So we do not just want to give them answers. When you’re talking to a student, force them to think. For example, if they ask a question, answer with a simpler question that helps to decompose the problem. Iterate as necessary. And/or check their skills - have they completely understood how to do the simple stuff? Encourage them to try things that will fail. Encourage them to decipher R’s cryptic error messages - there is actually real information in them. Have them type; not you (and have them figure out what to type - avoid dictating).

When we are in the room we should be constantly talking to students. Don’t wait for questions - many students are too shy/embarrassed to ask them and will be grateful if you come up to them.

If you see a student doing things badly (e.g. copying R-code from Word; not using the built-in R text editor; not indenting things; not using human-friendly variable names), make it clear that there are better ways that will make it easier for you & them to write/read/understand/learn/be productive.

Work through the relevant material in preparation for a team meeting 1 week before the practical. Please edit the document to improve it! If you’d like to discuss a point or give a suggestion, you can email the group. The meeting will be an additional opportunity to clarify if/what needs to be revised/improved, or what the different possible approaches are for a given exercise (and their advantages/disadvantages).



Yannick Wurm, Rodrigo Pracana, Bruno Vieira, Bob Verity, You and probably some others too.