Ants, Bees, Genomes & Evolution @ Queen Mary University London
Personal Projects
cocoadevcentral.plugin A plug-in for Inferiis’ MacReporter and timeSaver A screensaver for MacOS X. Because knowing what time it is can help. iConvert Images A droplet for MacOS X. Based on imageMagick, it lets you convert image files to and from a huge number of image formats ExcellGene is a recent biotech spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne. They have some very exciting protein production technology. I designed and implemented and maintain their internet presence. A great French aquarelle painter’s web site. She happens to be my mom as well! The challenge in making this site is that it needed to be distributable in a stand-alone version, ie. on CD-ROM without internet connection or sql-server. Javascript isn’t supported by not-so-recent browsers, so I ended up using some perl scripts, some XML files (describing the paintings) and used the project as an excuse for learning XSL (to transform the data into static x-html). For the online-version, several php-forms were added.
School-related projects
Bebetes Project Along with 5 others… Les Fourmis
Projet Regulation Ok. This isn’t code. But Am,ao?(C)lie V,ao?(C)ron and I spent a lot of time on the computer for it! It’s an attempt at modeling part of E. coli’s global regulation, using a tool called Genetic Network Analyzer, developed at Helix Inria. We did this as part of a fourth-year project at Insa de Lyon. (more info in the pdf file’s intro). This is it. Timepark 2003-2004 first semester project: an edo-based modeling framework (C++) and graphical end-user app (Obj-C).
Source code A perl script to convert .mpc audio files to .mp3 files. Requires mppdec and lame, both can be obtained through fink. Usage: perl *.mpc. Script needs to be renamed to Has been run on Mac OS X 10.3 with a fink perl installation.
November 18, 2006